I didn’t think it would be this hard

When you desire to create a healthy culture in your life and in the lives of those around you, you will be forgiven for believing it should be the easy path to take. It is not!

You set out full of dreams and desire to create change. To be the change, and instead get hit time after time with negativity, fear and resistance.

Negativity, because those around you may have been submerged in a toxic environment for so long they quite honestly don't trust what you're carrying. Or they themselves haven't been heard yet so their response to you looks negative.

Fearful because perhaps time after time they have been let down by those who looked full of momentum, but instead their motivation wasn't healthy.

Resistant because although you may be ready for change, they may not be!

When you are hit with these responses it’s easy for your desire to create a healthy culture to be discouraged and for you to become distracted.

Instead, this is when you need to dig deep!

All eyes are on you to see if you are a man/woman of your word.

Are you consistent in character, or easily swayed?

Was your motivation healthy?

This is a fix your eyes come to Jesus moment. When you need to acknowledge that you didn't think it would be this hard, but it is, and you're just as committed as ever.

However, in order for you to stay healthy in this process. Be on the journey for the long haul, and not just a short-term fix can I encourage you to do five things-

Remember there is only one you, and your time is finite.

You can not change culture in one day so stop trying to. Taking a workplace, a team from harmful to healthy requires you to stay healthy too. Model first what it is you want to change. Don’t change what you can not model.

Stay flexible, not flimsy

Flexible means you are open to collaboration. Have a vision, not a step-by-step plan. invite others to build culture alongside you. Yes, it may take longer, and look different but flexible vision is robust, flimsy vision breaks.

Be consistent above all else

If you are being met with negativity, fear, and resistance, the last thing people around you need to see is inconsistent character.

People follow people, not plans or processes.

Stay consistent so trust is built on who you are, not what you are trying to do.


Pray for people by name. Pray for strength. Pray for joy in the hard times. For discernment to reveal what needs to be spoken out loud. For healing. Toxic culture of a killer. If you desire to create a healthy culture where toxic atmospheres once inhabited, you will need to pray for healing. Pray that your motivation stays pure, and your momentum is holy spirit fueled.

Your desire to usher in a new culture is beautiful, but it will be hard. So I to am praying for you!

Cheering you on all the way.

Written By- Marie Aitken




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