Have something to say, but nowhere to speak?

In a world where websites can be created within hours. Social media accounts set up instantly. Podcasts recorded on phones, and videos uploaded for free, what are you waiting for?

Too often I have seen people hanging out on the sidelines waiting to be picked like we’re all in a high school sports team lineup. That simply isn’t the case. You may need permission to speak in certain spaces, but you don’t need permission to speak in general.

If you have something to say, let’s hear it, but before you get going here are some questions I encourage you to think through before you get started-

What is it you really want to say?

There is only one you in this world. Don’t waste your voice on copying someone else.

You may be interested in something so niche or a topic so saturated with content and feel tempted to find ‘a gap’ you can fill. Don’t. What you are passionate about is what will inspire you. It will sustain you long-term for content creativity. If only you and your closest friends hear/read what you have to say, it won’t disappoint you because you’re being true to yourself. Take the time to drill down on what you and only you can say.

Where do you want to say it?

Don’t set up a YouTube account if you have a passion for writing more than speaking. There are so many options out there from social media platforms that offer different ways to communicate, to platforms you can upload your content to. Base your decision on what suits your style best, not what has the most visibility.

Press save not publish first

There is no urgency. Create your content and save it. Re-read, re-listen over and over again. Ask those you trust to do the same, and when you are ready, publish. Remove the deadlines you have placed on yourself and aim for quality not quick. You may even choose to wait until you have a batch of content. This is your race, you do not have to pace yourself against others running theirs.

Are you really ready?

There is a tension that exists for all content creators. A growing frustration between a desire to do something and the timing to do it. For faith content creators this is magnified. For some reason, there is an unspoken expectation that you will emerge in your 20s or early 30s. I urge you to not rush the process and to learn everything you can in the tension.

Your character is being formed in the unseen. Your voice is being matured with experience. You will have more to say when you prioritise wisdom over windows.

Don’t look for windows of opportunity, focus on pursuing wisdom. Be honest with yourself, are you really ready?

Cheering you on all the way.

Written By - Marie Aitken


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